Strepsiptera source details
Kifune, T.; Hirashima, Y. (1980). Records of the Strepsiptera of Sri Lanka in the collection of the Smithsonian Institution with descriptions of seven new species. Esakia, 15: 143-159.
Kifune, T.; Hirashima, Y.
Records of the Strepsiptera of Sri Lanka in the collection of the Smithsonian Institution with descriptions of seven new species
15: 143-159.
Mengenilla orientalis Kifune & Hirashima, 1980 (original description)
Stichotrema ambiguum Kifune & Hirashima, 1980 (original description)
Stichotrema ceylonense Kifune & Hirashima, 1980 (original description)
Stichotrema krombeini Kifune & Hirashima, 1980 (original description)
Stichotrema minor Kifune & Hirashima, 1980 (original description)
Stichotrema simile Kifune & Hirashima, 1980 (original description)
Tridactylophagus ceylonensis Kifune & Hirashima, 1980 (original description)
Stichotrema ambiguum Kifune & Hirashima, 1980 (original description)
Stichotrema ceylonense Kifune & Hirashima, 1980 (original description)
Stichotrema krombeini Kifune & Hirashima, 1980 (original description)
Stichotrema minor Kifune & Hirashima, 1980 (original description)
Stichotrema simile Kifune & Hirashima, 1980 (original description)
Tridactylophagus ceylonensis Kifune & Hirashima, 1980 (original description)